Pre-Advise giving tick

Sometime truth hurts. To say things nobody dare to say out loud require more than "coming from a good place" claptrap. Giving it out to someone you considered important was not really a plus point in this context.The fear of hurting them, driving them away, get told off or at least spark a heated argument is basically the roots of why people avoid doing so. Obviously, the real struggle is the tick in deciding betweeen to give or not to give advice to them. Some says not telling them our concerns or disagreement is a sign of support. Should you let them be who they are as long as they believe they are happy in the moment? But, if you being the close ones, not able to express the hard truth, who can? Do advice better received from a strangers ? I prefer getting them from my close circle. At least they might know our situation a little more than merely observing. Right?