Just Me : Thank you

Happy birthday to Me.

I am legally and officially has been 18 for 10 years.Alhamdullilah.
Enough said about the number.
Let me conclude this : It was indeed a wonderful  journey.

Thank you to Ma and Abah and my family for all the things .
I would have long list to note that reason for this,so just an enormous thanks them.

I am  working fine  now and I am soon gonna a be step higher in life, becoming a wife. Wish you can be here , proudly announcing to your circle that your cute little girl is a lady soon.I miss you much.
Al Fatihah.

It must be tiring to keep on nagging to me , right? I love you so much! Though i am a slight wrong path I want to keep having you nagging at me. No matter how old I am I still
 like to tidur atas riba ma. You are indeed the coolest mom everrrrrr! 

My adik adik,
I lebiu so much. Thanks for keep on layan-ing this kakak yang adik . though i keep on bullying you guys sometime, still till now, I cant stand other people bully you.That is only my privilege being your sista!You guys are awesome and I am indeed so proud of you all.

My  fiance a.k.a Husband to be,
Thanks for accepting me the way I am.Thank for letting me keep being me.
Though sometime I make you tired, angry, annoyed and GEEERRAAM ,just know that you are the indeed the guy I want to be a wife to. And B, muchos thanks for loving me.

My awesomely cool Bestfriends,
You guys are  indeed worth to keep and I am just sooo lucky that Allah have cross-path you into my life.

Thanks for the great friendship you share with me for the past 10 years. I  miss so much and though you are miles apart now, I still held you close to my heart, everytime.Yes ,everytime.Luv ya!

Kema /Petite,
Thanks for the wonderful friendship  we share for the past 15 years.You are indeed a great support to me. Let us keep be 13 . Muuah. luv ya!

Cyp /Anne,
Thanks for being there though we somehow  like  a two princess from two different planet.
I lebiu so much I hope you will always in great care and happiness. I am always here for you though jauh dimata.

thanks for  staying in this  fun friendship with me for the past 22 years. We grew up together so much.You are indeed a great lady, I adore you.Muaaahh.Luv ya!

Erkk,, you are zarip.enough said.Thanks for everythings. Sorry that I cut que.  hahha. I lebiu.ahaks

You are the best listener of all.Thanks for keep on being there when I was being insane, talking nonsense over the phone. May you become a success business man .I adore you passion and vision. Wish I can have that  too.Let s stay bestfriend forever! Lebiu .

Though you are the most sarcastic friend I have, suka condemn, but you are indeed one of my favourite friend, who keep my feet on the ground.

And Azila, Xera, Iela,Adek ejad, Razi, Mirah my Cousin, though Ie dont have anything specific to say   , but believe me I am so blessed you are in my life and  please stay in it.

Those ex scandals, ex boifrens and ex crushs , thanks for coloring my life. May you are happy in your life too. I pray for the best for you all too.
( just so that they know. hahah)

I cant list everyone, but again, Thank you for every single  things happen.May  all of us stay close to happiness.
