This and that kind of List

Things I want but the pricetags make me rethink about it more than twice. I can say it for sure if I have the budgets, I definitely want to buy them( yup, plural). Anyway, as my birthday is coming up, I m getting more wishful upon these stuff. Need to start on tabung to get my hand of these items.😂 Lets get to it; 1. Amazfit GTS 2 mini 2. IPL Laser Hair Removal Handset 3. Ionic cordless comb All of the items are definitely not essentials. Bukan keperluan tapi keinginan. That is all for this time. Wishlist never dies and gonna keep coming,people. It just that, I feel the contentment listing them, sometimes. You know, I writes because it feels like someone is listening( reading) . Or is it i am finally listening to myself? LOL Lots of winks, Me.