If you have meet me 4 years ago, you know that I am not so much a book reader. During that time, the only book I read was during my study time. But years back,as a step to love myself and my life productively(is this even a word), I decided to start reading and I am glad I did. I know some people love ready story book or fiction thingy or even love story novels. Well , surprisingly, I do not enjoy reading those kind of book anymore. Apparently I love self enrichment kind of book. Alright, enough on the introduction. Point is, I am gonna make a review on my recent read book. I am gonna name the so called series , Book Club. Let us get to it!I better warn you, this is a long post. I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL is written by F. Diane Barth. The joy and heartbreak of friendship in Women's lives was the way she describe the book. Dont get me wrong, I am not going to review or summarize the whole book. You still need to read the book to the get that. I will only list down the ...