
Showing posts from February, 2016

Negativity runs deep

I am always sure of what I hate. I  am just unsure of what will I like. Is  this weird?  I am weird that way. Can i ? It always  hard to  tell everything that drafted in my mind to people that is so close to my heart. It seems easy to be blunt to people that are less attached. Is this wrong?  I want to be right in different way.Can  i ?  I just wanna do things my way. I wanna enjoy doing things  I wish to do. Is it possible? It doesnt seem so at the moment.

Thin Line

 Hard to say. But it is harder not to say. Being ignored  feel bad. But being pressured is somehow kills in different way.  Just because we love them do we have to keep being nice?  Can we accept their stand and stick to our own at the same time? What is actually the right way? The way I want or the way you want?