
Showing posts from July, 2011

MAGIC- great song!

If it falls, let it fall. If it dies, let it die. Whatever we do, won't matter that much. Puzzles and Wonders. Mysteries and such. Yesterday, I had the longest ever dream, That the world was endless with possibilities. It had me thinking, one should never forget That there are wonders, we haven't seen yet. Seize a chance, follow a dream. Be yourself, don't plan and scheme. For what we do, won't matter that much. Puzzles and wonders, mysteries and such. So calculate and analyse. My head is spinning from all of those lies. It had me fooled, a logical mess. In a time of facts, figures and distress. The W.O.R.L.D is full of M.A.G.I.C. P/S : personally, i think da lyrics is awesome and the song is great!

i hate cooking!

i made an attempt membuat kek batik. gosh. i tot dat is da easiest cake to be made. but it was a total failure. for me. tula. lenkali study dlu sblm buat. tgk dulu camne nk buat. ni hentam je. gosh. i really dun have da talent to be a cook. even such small thing like this ,i scored F. erk. guess what now i have more reasons to say.. i h a t e c o o k i n g a n d b a k i n g !! !


Just keep it quiet Keep it on the hush A nd what we do keep it just between us

i wanna !

scrolling down the girls pictures. gosh since when people become these hot. iwanna iwanna iwanna look g o r g e o u s & h o t like these girls! gosh. u make my heart melt. p/s: this is just a normal desire of a girl. at the end i am just a typical girl who hearts beauty.


hey love . at0214am myheart is aching ouch sothisiswhattheycalled h e a r t b r o k e n ? letsjustsleepandwakeup tomorrow assumingallthese isjusta d r e a m . goodnight love .


CINDERELLA SISTER a korean drama. drama full of cry and tears. da way the character holding up their tears was so awesome. u guys should try watching it. it reminds me lots bout my own cries and tears . no matter how much i hate crying , the tears seems to be friend with me. yeah,i might not cry out loud .but tears are stubborn as me. dia datang uninvited running through my cheeks. they are few event where i cant seem to hold my tears. since back then till today. i thought i was strong, yet every time i looked at kids who cried , my tears seem to fall along with theirs. walaupun the reason is so stupid like they want mainan so bad. i have no reason to justify this one. i thought i care less. but every time they said "sorry".. tears are falling , feeling glad that they knew they hurt me.happy knowing i do matter. overwhelmed because they admit they were once wrong. i thought i m coolest person in the world. yet, when people i love yell at me out of anger...


hey darlings. Ihaveaconfessiontobemade. i m a t m e s o s p h e r e . b u t i t h i n k i h a v e f a l l e n f o r a g u y w h o m l i v i n g a t i o n o s p h e r e. luckilywespeakthesamelanguange. g.o.s.h.


hye darlinks and babes. talking bout chances. FIRST CHANCE ; Everyone are given first chance. first opportunity of doing all thing. thus, we should use all chances when they come, before it's too late.because it might happen that ur first chance may be the last one as well. Take any opportunity or chance when it comes - it may not come again. SECOND CHANCE ; Everyone deserve second chance.chance of learning from previous mistake and act righteously. Because we are only human. tend to commit mistake. tend to be lost in crystal world. And yes, only those who learned from history can see the beauty of second chance. THIRD CHANCE ; Certain people learn thing hard way. third chance is never impossible. because u are surrounded with great human, u are loved by them so much, they give u,ur third chance. "despite of the mistake u did, i still remember the good thing u share with me." FOURTH CHANCE ; some people get it again and again. " i forgive u,AGAIN, simply because i ...


heyya. i guess there are many ways to define BESTFRIEND but in my dictionary u r my BESTFRIEND when... 1. you accept be for me being me. so dat i dun have to pretend to be sumone else when dealing with you. 2. u dun judge me or prejudge me so dat i can becakap ngn u cam becakap dlm hati. 3.u neva talk bad bout me behind my back. unless lepas tu admit and bgitaw i.. i ley tolarate dat la. 4.u can correct me when im wrong. im might not directly listen to u, but ur words mean a lots. ur no is my precious word. 5. u tell me all the big things happen in your life. yeah i dun expect kite cakap hari hari but there are things bout u i wish to know from u. i wish to be in the " first " list. 6. when u are happy or sad im da one u wish to call first. coz,, im always gonna be there for u and u know dat. 7. u accept my word as out of love not as competitor. not as a dare. coz there is no room for lies between u and me. 8. we can argue like perang dunia kedua but on the second ...


ehem. based of my frens and my own personal experience. guys and girls i think u shud try observe these don't s. 1. dont be late. i mean seriously late. i gave the impression dat u r not willing to meet in the first place. girls like me hate it when u do thing unwillingly. 2. dont continously texting or playing with ur handphone . sekali sekala takpela. tpi kalau banyak kali.. erk. we tend to think.. " im i insignificant or r u dat bored??" 3. avoid silent moment. yeah. because it is awkward and it lead can cause massive boredom. 4.dont throw negative comment on her appearance of fashion sense. at least wait till it is ur 4 or 5 hours being with her. tu pun kalau bley elakkn on first date. becaue believe me da gal had try to put effort on looking good. maybe she is just too nervous which lead to fashion disaster or maybe because she is unique in her own way. =) 5.avoid using harsh or bad word. yeah for girl like me, words shows ur level in judging thin...