
Showing posts from January, 2011

i LIKe U because..

"i LIKE YOU because.. " i once heard that U NEED NO REASON TO LIKE SOMEONE. erk. cliche ,ayte?? but i do believe it happened somehow . mumbling bout the above LINE.. my ustazah during my school time used to say..the way u like someone is various according to ur golongan usia. ahaks. lets recall: masa u guys zaman tadika and primary school : "i like you because u r seriously cute creature around me. " "comey nye awak.. saya minat awak" then u get into secondary school , reason u suke org pun da berubah; " oh my dia hensem /lawa/ cun weyh." " aku ske dia sbb dia gorgeous." FACT : physical appearance attract u more at this stage. i m not saying at other stage u tk attract with physical appearance but im saying that percentage nye DAMN HIGHER. later.. as u reach age dlm lingkungan 18 to 22. . berubah lagik. u akan mudah ske org yng CHARMINGLY CARE A For you. " i ske dia sbb dia sweet la".. "oh my.. dia sangt ca...