" i need u to understand"
"i need you to understand." another easy to say statement which really hard to deal with.especially lepas u wat salah and u tkde reason nk back up ur action. believe it or not ada banyak je situation yng end up dengan this kind of statement.sangatla sakit hati bile kite tanya dia .. dia jawab ngn line nie. rasa cam nk cekik n ketuk je kau bile ko cakap nie. reason : "aku da tktaw camne nk explain how and y. its too complicated. ko kena think and try to understand by urself" fact : not all things in this world can be explained by words.here come the non verbal communication where instinct,expression & so called telepathic communications come to play their major roles. its a way for da problem maker to escape from being disoal tk henti henti but it is such an unfair way for the victims to deal with the issue.mahu tk unfair when all u want is an explaination but u ended kena fikir sendiri. sengal. why this line is unfair? 1. kalau i da taw why , i tkdela ta...