
Showing posts from December, 2010

" i need u to understand"

"i need you to understand." another easy to say statement which really hard to deal with.especially lepas u wat salah and u tkde reason nk back up ur action. believe it or not ada banyak je situation yng end up dengan this kind of statement.sangatla sakit hati bile kite tanya dia .. dia jawab ngn line nie. rasa cam nk cekik n ketuk je kau bile ko cakap nie. reason : "aku da tktaw camne nk explain how and y. its too complicated. ko kena think and try to understand by urself" fact : not all things in this world can be explained by come the non verbal communication where instinct,expression & so called telepathic communications come to play their major roles. its a way for da problem maker to escape from being disoal tk henti henti but it is such an unfair way for the victims to deal with the issue.mahu tk unfair when all u want is an explaination but u ended kena fikir sendiri. sengal. why this line is unfair? 1. kalau i da taw why , i tkdela ta...


" erkk..speechless" one simple respons that may actually mean many things,. yeah based on situation and types of statement being expressed by the other party. it was like. ."ada malaikat lalu ke?" like most of ppl wud say. ahaks! yeah. malaikat lalu and jugak otak aku behenti berfikir , ibarat dunia ini tehenti seketika. ahaks! reason: total mixed up feeling sampai tktaw nk express yng mana satu. what uve been saying might possible be sooo true dat i dun have any denial statement to make. "u were reading my mind & now my words had been stolen!perfect!" apa yng u cakap is a fact. case closed. "arh. cakap pun tk gune, kau degil.baek aku diam." ops.. sory tetido. its my turn to respon now?? (beb u talk too much.) Now meh review apa most famous line which cause total speechless . "People change" Just saying this two words, u ll shut many mouths from keep on arguing. simply said ..everyone seems to willingly and unwillingly agreed t...

people CHANGE.

"People change" Just saying this two words, u ll shut many mouths from keep on arguing. simply said ..everyone seems to willingly and unwillingly agreed to this fact. reason: every single being seem to experience it either realizing it or not. regardless of the reasons behind the changes made , all changes undeniably hard to resist. lets consider cases. 1. simple one. u used to love singing. but one day, u realized ur voice is harsh bad. and u started to hate singing. and u even hate people who enjoy singing. hey pals. this mean.. u are changing because u are in jelaousy state. darn!. not good. avoid this one , okay! 2. typical one. u never care so much about ur appearance. as if.. "color? what is dat??" but suddenly u were attracted to someone. u find out he /she like people with some sense of taste in their appearance. or maybe ur other half starts saying that u r look prettier/cuter in this and that . which later causing u to please them by...

"we need to talk"

"U Deserve SOMEONE better." looking at this introduction and topic , i guess u might succesfully guessed what will this entry all about. yo! yeah, perfect goal! this is about ultimate and most popular break up scene ever. regardless saying.. this is my break up line few years back.ops. it is not given by me but given to me by my ex boifren who is now somebody's husband. PERFECT!! all people around the world please be aware.. "we need to talk " bring more negative energy than the positive one. FOR SHORTSIGHTED people around da globe, let me brief u with one thing. there is NO such thing as the best way to break up with someone. all break up thingy is HURTING and DISASTER. most popular break up lines: ultimate one was the first statement of this entry.followed by; - i suddenly realized that you are just a rebound . - i found dat i cant be open up while im with u. - we are not in da same path nymore. - i want to focus on my career / study/ life. -...

U are NOT an OPTION.

"THERE is ONLY you IN my MULTIPLE CHOICE answer." one simple statement that mean alots. yeah. i wud be smiliing as if im winning a luxury car if someone told me this killing statement. HEY watchout . im not saying in term on merely lovey dovey couple thingy. generally applied to all kind of relationship involving HOMOSAPIENS a.k.a. human. especially frenship.(the one im dealing with) fact: there not even single law wud deny da fact everyone love being special. as for me. being second choice is hell. simply said; its whether me or nobody. sumpah! this is annoying selfish. but believe me . semua org ske jadik special. TO BE NOTED: treat ur buddies with some sense called special. at least try to think that they deserved to be appreciated. coz, THERE IS THINGS called KARMA of LIFE. love me more! muahh!